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Browsing by Author Tamaki, Ryo

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
31-Aug-2007A CASE OF BOW HUNTER'S STROKE PRESENTING SYNCOPE AS AN INITIAL SYMPTOM WHILE DRJVINGTakeshima, Yasuhiro; Kawata, Kazumro; Imanishi, Kazumi; Kawaguchi, Shoichiro; Tamaki, Ryo; Nakase, Hiroyuki; Sakaki, Toshisuke; Hoshida, Tohru
Aug-2017Spreading depression and focal venous cerebral ischemia enhance cortical neurogenesis.Tamaki, Ryo; Orie, Samuel Ige; Alessandri, Beat; Kempski, Oliver; Heimann, Axel
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2


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