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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Nov-2013Auditory habituation is revented in the background sound of 4-kHz pure tone : A magnetoencephalography study.Koizumi, Toshizo; Nishimura, Tadashi; Nakagawa, Seiji; Hosoi, Hiroshi
30-Nov-2013Left-right difference in high frequency sensitivity : application for unilateral cochlear disorder evaluation.Uratani, Yuka; Nishimura, Tadashi; Ohara, Nari; Yamanaka, Toshiaki; Hosoi, Hiroshi
2014Sound transmission by cartilage conduction in ear with fibrotic aural atresia.Morimoto, Chihiro; Nishimura, Tadashi; Hosoi, Hiroshi; Saito, Osamu; Fukuda, Fumi; Shimokura, Ryota; Yamanaka, Toshiaki
18-Nov-2019Vestibular Compensation after Vestibular Dysfunction Induced by Arsanilic Acid in Mice.Ito, Taeko; Tatsumi, Kouko; Takimoto, Yasumitsu; Nishimura, Tadashi; Imai, Takao; Yamanaka, Toshiaki; Takeda, Noriaki; Wanaka, Akio; Kitahara, Tadashi
31-Jul-2014第133回奈良医学会 : 学会記事西村, 忠己; 染川, 智; 山田, 高嗣; 谷口, 克
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5


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