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01 奈良県立医科大学 >
011 医学部 >
0112 紀要 >
01121 Journal of Nara Medical Association >
Vol.48 No.6 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10564/408

タイトル: 椎骨脳底動脈循環障害時の循環動態と病態生理に関する基礎的研究
著者: 村井, 孝行
キーワード: vertebrobasilar system
発行日: 1997年12月31日
出版者: 奈良医学会
引用: 奈良医学雑誌 Vol.48 No.6 p.404-417
抄録: The rheological dynamic of a simulation model of the vertebrobasilar system (VBS), which was made of silicole, were investigated using the ultrasonic and laser Doppler method. The vestibular function in rats with VBS disorders was measured by an autoradiographic technique. Morphological ischemic changes were assessed by immunohis- tochemical observations. 1. With unilateral vertebral artery (VA) disorders, the rheological dynamics of the basilar artery (BA) developed a turbulent flow with back flow to the ipsilateral VA duct and flow velocity of the ipsilateral VA duct was more slow than the contralateral. 2. With unilateral VA disorders, the flow volume of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery duct on the side of the disorder was a decrease to below about 70% of that on the opposite side. This fact was supported by the velocity distribution of the BA duct. 3. From immunohistochemical studies of Microtuble-associated protein 2 (MAP 2), the loss of MAP 2 reaction was remarkably seen more in dendrite and soma of the vestibular nucleus (VN) than in the cochlear nucleus (CN) by BA trap occlusion for 30 minutes. 4. 0ccluding the unilateral VA for 30 minutes, loss of MAP 2 reaction was remarkable in dendrite and soma of the ipsilateral VN. When hypotension was more added to animals, loss of staining of only dendrites in the ipsilateral VN was more marked. But a clear loss of staining in the bilateral CN was not detected. 5. Following water irrigation (0℃) for 45 minutes, the glucose metabolism in the ip- silateral VN predominated by an autoradiographic technique and that in the contralateral VN of rats with unilateral VA occlusion predominated. with the addition of hypotension, that in the contralateral VN predominated still more. 6. These results suggest that the VBS disorders may tend to cause symptoms such as vertigo and equilibrium dysfunction.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10564/408
ISSN: 04695550
出現コレクション:Vol.48 No.6


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404-417p.椎骨脳底動脈循環障害時の循環動態と病態生理に関する基礎的研究.pdf12.44 MBAdobe PDF見る/開く



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