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01 奈良県立医科大学 >
012 大学院 >
0122 学位請求論文 >
01221 博士論文(医学) >
2020年度 >

このアイテムの引用には次の識別子を使用してください: http://hdl.handle.net/10564/3777

タイトル: Gut dysbiosis associated with clinical prognosis of patients with primary biliary cholangitis.
その他のタイトル: 原発性胆汁性胆管炎の臨床的予後予測と腸内細菌叢との関連
著者: Furukawa, Masanori
Moriya, Kei
Nakayama, Jiro
Inoue, Takako
Momoda, Rie
Kawaratani, Hideto
Namisaki, Tadashi
Sato, Shinya
Douhara, Akitoshi
Kaji, Kosuke
Kitade, Mitsuteru
Shimozato, Naotaka
Sawada, Yasuhiko
Saikawa, Soichiro
Takaya, Hiroaki
Kitagawa, Koh
Akahane, Takemi
Mitoro, Akira
Yamao, Junichi
Tanaka, Yasuhito
Yoshiji, Hitoshi
キーワード: autoimmune liver disease
bile acid
enteric bacterial microflora
proton pump inhibition
発行日: 2020年7月
出版者: Wiley
引用: Hepatology research Vol.50 No.7 p.840-852 (2020 Jul)
抄録: Aim: Although some relationships between gut microbiota and liver diseases have been reported, it remains uncertain whether changes in gut microbiota owing to differences in race, food and living environment have similar effects. Response to ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) may predict the long-term prognosis of patients with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC); however, little is known about the significance of the gut microbiome in patients with PBC. We elucidated the relationships among clinical profiles, biochemical response to UDCA and gut microbiome composition in patients with PBC. Methods: Fecal samples from 76 patients with PBC treated at our hospital were collected; patients whose UDCA intake period was <1 year were excluded. The microbiome structures of patients were determined using 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing and were statistically compared with those of healthy subjects. The structures of patients in the UDCA responder (n = 43) and non-responder (n = 30) groups were compared according to the Nara criteria (reduction rate of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, ≥69%, after 1 year). Results: Compared with healthy subjects, bacterial diversity was lower in patients with PBC, with a decreased abundance of the order Clostridiales and increased abundance of Lactobacillales. The UDCA non-responder group had a significantly lower population of the genus Faecalibacterium, known as butyrate-producing beneficial bacteria (P < 0.05), although no significant differences in gender, body mass index, medicated drugs or other serological data were indicated between these two groups. Conclusions: Gut dysbiosis with loss of beneficial Clostridiales commensals was observed in patients with PBC. Decrease in Faecalibacterium abundance might predict the long-term prognosis of patients with PBC.
内容記述: 博士(医学)・甲第753号・令和2年9月30日
© 2020 The Japan Society of Hepatology
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/hepr.13509], which has been published in final form at [https://doi.org/10.1111/hepr.13509 ]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10564/3777
ISSN: 13866346
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/hepr.13509
学位授与番号: 24601A753
学位授与年月日: 2020-09-30
学位名: 博士(医学)
学位授与機関: 奈良県立医科大学


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