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01 奈良県立医科大学 >
011 医学部 >
0112 紀要 >
01121 Journal of Nara Medical Association >
Vol.48 No.1 >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://hdl.handle.net/10564/349

Title: 全身性アミロイドーシスを伴ったCastleman病の1例
Authors: 葛本, 雅之
守屋, 環
福井, 寛人
森田, 博文
花谷, 正和
中西, 敬介
Keywords: Castleman's disease
immunoglobulin light chain
interstitial pneumoma
nephrotic syndrome
systemlc amyloidosis
Issue Date: 28-Feb-1997
Publisher: 奈良医学会
Citation: 奈良医学雑誌 Vol.48 No.1 p.23-32
Abstract: A case of Castleman's disease accompanied by systemic amyloidosis is reported. A 77-year-old man with cardiac arrhythmia was admitted to our hospital. The cardiac arrhythmia improved after treatment with verapamil hydrochloride, but general fatigue persisted. Laboratory data showed severe macrocytic anemia, polyclonal hyper- gammopathy and accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Computed tomography of the abdomen revealed abnormal swelling of the mesenteric lymph node. In addition, this patient's condition was complicated with hypothyroidism and nephrotic syndrome. Although he underwent hemodialysis, he died of interstitial pneumonia which developed as a result of progressive renal failure. At autopsy, Castleman's lymphomas (plasma-cell type) and systemic amyloidosis were confirmed. Amyloid deposition was observed in the mesenteric mass, kidney, spleen, liver, lung, heart, and thyroid gland. Immunochemical study disclosed that the amyloid protein was immunoglobulin light chain, indicating immunocyte-derived (AL) amyloidosis. AL amyloidosis usually arises out of plasma cell dyscrasia (namely abnormal monoclonal proliferation of the plasma cells, such as multiple myeloma and plasmacytbma). Therefore this case suggests that the latent nature of malignant transformation is inherent in Cast- leman's disease though this disease is generally recognized as a benign reactive lympho- proliferative disease.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10564/349
ISSN: 04695550
Appears in Collections:Vol.48 No.1

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