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01 奈良県立医科大学 >
011 医学部 >
0112 紀要 >
01121 Journal of Nara Medical Association >
Vol.43 No.4 >

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Title: 骨盤内臓全摘術9例の検討
Authors: 佐道, 三郎
藤井, 久男
山本, 克彦
山本, 雅敏
吉川, 周作
内藤, 梓
渡邉, 巌
仲川, 昌之
中嶋, 寿
西川, 徹
森田, 敏裕
中野, 博重
Keywords: pelvic excenteration
rectal malignancy (cancer)
Issue Date: 31-Aug-1992
Publisher: 奈良医学会
Citation: 奈良医学雑誌 Vol.43 No.4 p.406-411
Abstract: Among 110 patients treated for rectal malignancy during the last 7 years, nine patients underwent pelvic exenteration, total pelvic exenteration for 7, posterior pelvic exenteration for 2. These patients, 6 men and 3 women, had a mean age of 53 years. Primary surgical therapy was made in 56%, and secondary in 44%. Operative mortality was 11%. Duration after operation ranged from 65 months to 5 months. One patient died in 8 surviving the operation, the recurrence rate for these 8 patients was 62.5%. Secondary curative resection was made for 40% in the recurrent patients. Pelvic exenteration is reasonable primary surgical therapy in selected patients with large bulky locally invasive rectal malignancies that can be removed en bloc. Futhemore, this procedure can be curative and often is palliative for similar that are recurrent patients.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10564/1895
ISSN: 04695550
Appears in Collections:Vol.43 No.4

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